17 september 2009

Warm chocolate, no rain and strawberrie smoothie!

Hey! No rain today - yet! But, starting to get real cold here. Today I´m doing an afternoon shift, so, I have time for an elixir-hot-chocolate in the morning!
  1. Make about 3 cups - 1 liter of herbal tea, I had some Horse tail (Equesitum arvense)
  2. Mix about 1 cup (2,5 dl) soaked and rinsed almonds with the tea
  3. Strain and put the milk back into blender
  4. Blend with: equal amounts cacao and carob (about 2 tsp each), 1 banana, 1 1/2 tsp (about) cinnamon and 1 tsp cardamom. Put some maca in there if you have.
  5. Blend.
  6. Enjoy straight from blender - or, warm in a saucepan til luke warm.
....pretty blurry photo....

...but here you can see the lovely froth on top of the warm chocolate...mmmmm

And, talking bout almond milk based smoothies.... made some strawberry smoothie the other day! So extremely nice.... Just start with your nut milk - you might or might not want to make it out of a tea, its up to you. I just had water. Blend your nut milk with 1 banana, a lot of strawberries and 1 date. Result:

...so delicious!!

...and, talking about delicious - bought the most perfect mango yesterday!! - had to turn it into pudding. Mixed it with 1 1/2 banana and some celery, maybe a bit too much celery.... but, it turn out nice:

My biggest problem right now - is that I dont have a Blendtec to make my puddings in :( so, this one didnt have the perfect smooth structure....

Have a beaut day! Love to A + M. /A

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