21 juni 2010

Soon in Denmark!

Will be heading off to Denmark soon :) - havin some nice fruits and listening to seminars by Dr Douglas Graham! I am SO looking forward to watermelons... mangos... whatever fruit is seved... and, maybe, if we´re lucky... some Durians :) And - of course - meeting lovely people... Annette, Petr, Laura!

Have a look:


Otherwise, here in Sweden, I mostly sustain myself by eating melons, bananas and pineapple right now. Some lettuce in between... and tomatoes are getting cheap. Doing the best I can. Keeping it simple.

Favorite lunch option:

1/2 head of lettuce
250 gr cherry tomatoes, organic
maybe some avocado or something else...
2 bananas, chopped
1/2-1 pineapple, chopped
All blended in a big bowl. Plus some more bananas maybe or some melon to start off with. It depends on for how long my lunch break is... It´s really easy though to prep at home before work - just chop everything up, put it in a container - and voilá! Make the container big though...

Lots of fruitfull love /Alex

13 juni 2010

Parsley-pineapple :)

It´s been a while... Now - back in Sweden. Back in Uppsala, north of Stockholm. In a sleeping summer suburb. Will work here this summer.

Looking forward to Fresh Food Festival, with Annette and Petr in a few weeks time! Will involve a lot of fruits... and yoga.. .and inspiration for a greener, fruitier life :)

This morning, I had a nice thick green smoothie:

This one included Parsley, one Pineapple, a few bananas, and some ginger - and turned out real fabulous!

Until next time - love and bless /Alex